Plan424 Plans and Pricing

Plan Silver Gold Platinum
Emergency plan available from any smartphone Yes Yes Yes
Plan available even if mobile phone system down Yes Yes Yes
Pre-written customizable team plans
(= less work for you!)
Yes Yes Yes
Assistance with writing new team plans Yes† Yes† Yes†
Assistance with adapting your existing plans No Yes† Yes
Unlimited email support Yes Yes Yes
Telephone support First Month Yes Yes
Maximum number of users 250 1,000 Unlimited
Administrator accounts 1 2 5
Shared user accounts
(e.g. "Student", "Faculty", "Staff")
No Yes Yes
Risk free trial‡ Yes Yes Yes
Cost/Month (USD) $495 $1,495 Call
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  • We will assist you with developing incident responses and team plans which can be shared with other customers. We can also assist with writing custom plans on a consultancy basis.
  • Try Plan424 risk free for 21 days. Cancel during this period at no charge.
  • Contact us if you need a pro-forma invoice, or wish to take advantage of discounts for annual prepayments.